Hi every one ,I am working on VGG-Net convolution neural network for multiclassification .I trained this network for face recognition .I used 11 person present 11 class .The label of classes are from 0 to 10.

I used softMax as activation function .My question is :

I selected a picture and tried to recognize the person face in it .The result was a float number ,how can I know to any class this face image belongs to(If I want to test this network manually)?

When I trained the same network for binary classification (face detection) and with using sigmoid activation function I wrote this python code :

result = loaded_model.predict(xx_test)

for i in range(len(xx_test)): # for all the images if result[i][0] >= 0.9:

print("result= " + str(result[i][0]))

prediction = 'not human face'

print("the entered image is ", prediction)


print("result= " + str(result[i][0]))

prediction = 'human face' print("the entered image is ", prediction)

*What about multiclassification what should i write and how i can classify the result ?

Thank you

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