i had load a data set in neo4j using cypher query. when i load the data i found some null in between the words.
how to clean the null values.
my aim is to find word count frequency.
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///tmp1.csv" AS line
FOREACH (w IN RANGE(0, SIZE(line)-2) |
MERGE (lx:Kbank{word:coalesce(line[w],'NOT SET')})
ON CREATE SET lx.count = 1
ON MATCH SET lx.count = lx.count + 1
MERGE (mx:Kbank{word:coalesce(line[w+1],'NOT SET')})
ON CREATE SET mx.count = 1
ON MATCH SET mx.count = mx.count + (case when w = SIZE(line)-2 then 1 else 0 end)
MERGE (lx)-[r:next]->(mx)
ON CREATE SET r.count = 1
ON MATCH SET r.count = r.count +1)
limit 100