As COVID-19 has forced academia to react instantly to the dynamics of teaching and learning, I am curious to find out how you have been able to transfer complex ideas that you would normally teach in person to a virtual learning environment?
At the beginning of human civilisation, we use to talk through symbols or moving hands, when we face a problem we creat languages, Then we want to communicate more so different media innovated. So if this situation continues maybe now there is no language but to describe the hard thoughts into small talks we will create a new language. It may be through machines or our own feelings.
This with "teach in person" is probably very overrated - especially if we think that the situation with being physically close is significant. Maybe it is in situations of coercion.
It is very common for a teacher to experience that "now I have taught them, it is up to them to learn". But tons of stuff is everyday taught but not learnt. People also seldom get all at once. A synchronous interaction, in classroom or synchronous video, can be a start for learning x, but text reading, critical tinkering, peer feedback, filling in gaps by using others sources, application of knowledge - is as a standard part of the learning process.
Furthermore - if it is complex stuff - just let us ask ourselves how the same professors chose to present their most complex stuff. They write a paper and publish so others can read, be critical, learn.
That's very interesting question! I hope we will have the opportunity to read the comprehensive reports on this matter in the future. In case of Armenia I would say that now we adopt distance learning practice. All HEIs provided educational services fully online. I expect that it will have long-term effect on higher education sector in our country and worldwide. Some older generation professors face technical difficulties while using online platforms. But in general this is not a widespread issue.
Interesting question. I wrote a book chapter on the potentials of VR for entrepreneurial education (to be published in June by Routledge within New Perspectives on Virtual and Augmented Reality book) that might partially answer your question.
As you may know, entrepreneurship education provides individuals with the required skills and knowledge and gives them the ability to recognise relevant opportunities and potential pitfalls, but it frequently struggles with finding effective learning tools. Taking a look at virtual reality as a technological and complementary tool that enables the user to learn and evolve their skills by immersing themselves into virtual environments is a necessary step in inspecting functional teaching approaches. The mentioned chapter, therefore, explores various possibilities of virtual reality for entrepreneurship education that could provide future entrepreneurs with needed skills and functional knowledge.
If you'd be interested in more, you can find a chapter freely available here: Chapter The Potentials of Virtual Reality in Entrepreneurship Education
By virtual do you mean synchronous or asynchronous? It takes longer in asynchronous environments. I was teaching research methods and the research process normally takes two class periods for the basic class but had to be broken down into subcategories (2 classes), then put together in simulation (another class period) and then remediated in a walk through almost identical to their own research protocols with different variables. Still working on making it more efficient but it can be done. I suppose synchronous environments with breakout rooms might accelerate the process but that was not an option.
El confinamiento afectó el desarrollo de los Exámenes Segundos Parciales, por lo que se retrasaron hasta el mes de abril, lo que trajo como consecuencia pasar todos esos exámenes a la manera virtual. Por lo menos en la Fisiología lo tocaba para el Examen Final, ya lo tenía en Power Point, que junto con el libro de texto facilitó el proceso virtual, pero no me ocurrió así en la Fisiopatología, ya que los tópicos asignados no estaban aun listos, solamente se disponía el texto, mi esfuerzo se centro en la preparación de la forma virtual en Power Point.
We have been able to transition complex ideas and concepts to a virtual environment through presentation and discussion used social media about that their already studied.
In science areas such as mathematics, where knowledge is very practical, adaptation to the virtual environment has not been too complex through the creation of videos where the different exercises were carried out. However, in areas such as art, where content that is highly abstract and ethereal is offered, its transformation into the digital environment has been very complex. They have also tried to make visual and practical examples of the different contents that presented difficulties for the students
Es totalmente diferente del ambiente presencial! En ciertos temas las tele-conferencias lucen como "suficiente" ya que algunos de los estudiantes por seguro se abstienen a preguntar, claro está que el apoyo de videos y los textos es indispensable. En algunas asignaturas el método por "competencias" es mucho más factible por el uso de rúbricas cuyos criterios previamente se le da a la totalidad de los participantes, el uso de "ensayos", "foros", y "cuestionarios" complementa el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje; pero hay que tener bien en claro que el esfuerzo personal del participante el el eje del éxito en la virtualidad.
Transfer information in a virtual learning environment is not a big deal. However, transfer knowledge in a virtual learning environment is a challenge, especially in arts perspective. Discussing the ideas and art concepts through virtual meeting give interesting opportunities to enrich the art concepts. On the other hand, it faces difficulties when implement the art concept become the artworks and senses the aesthetics of them. In some ways, we need to touch, smell, hear, look, and feel the presence of the perception of the artwork directly, without barrier or technolgy mediated.
I have seeing many colleagues working with the problem-solving approach. It looks like we have to rethink teaching concept. Since remote teaching will require students to be more autonomous.