There were certain tasks that in the past I trained my research assistants to do that are significantly harder to teach when I can't be "hands on" with them in person. How have you adjusted to the changes necessary to keep your students safe?
We are adjusting with the scenarios; mentoring and monitoring our students virtually and trying to make it more efficient. Simultaneously, we made ourselves much more easily accessible to our students.
Definitivamente, ha sido un reto que nos ha tomado por sorpresa. Tener habilidades para usar TIC es diferente a usarlas con fines educativos de mentoría y de acompañamiento a los estudiantes que investigan. Dicho esto, lo que para mí ha sido sumamente útil es usar LMS, revisión de avances a través de foros de discusión, reuniones o asesorías personalizadas, avances escalonados, canales de comunicación claros y con horarios precisos. Los estudiantes se acomodan y aprenden a preguntar de forma puntual, identifican qué les hace falta y consultan con más precisión.
It has definitely been a challenge that has taken us by surprise. Having skills to use ICT is different from using them for educational purposes of mentoring and accompanying students who investigate. I consider that what has been extremely useful for me is working with LMS, progress review through discussion forums, meetings or personalized advice, clear communication channels, and precise schedules. Students settle in and learn to ask questions in a timely manner, identify what is missing, and consult more precisely.