10 September 2018 5 4K Report

Dear all. It is known, that climate change and also extreme weather can cause outbreak of some pests and their enemies also. Other pests may be diminshed. The question is: How extreme weather events like heat, drought, storm, heavy down poors, hail, flooding will influence the special diseases of meadow fescue and the special plant protection measures (chemical and biological) in meadow fescue. We found nothing in literature but need more information for risk assessment. Under current climate conditions plant diseases and pests, (mammalians, weeds, insect pests, nematodes and plant pathogens like fungi, viruses, bacteria) can cause considerably yield losses and damages of crops. Climate change will likely lead to increase the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration and timing of weather and climate extremes. Does anyone have any information about the impacts of extreme weather events on diseases and pests of meadow fescue? We reviewed the possible impacts of weather extremes on pests (weeds, insect pests and plant pathogens) of meadow fescue by analyzing scientific literature published since 1945, concerning the knowledge about the influences of extreme weather on incidence of these pests.

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