Schumpeter (1934) describes this distinct feature of entrepreneurship that involves with innovating a product with which consumers are not yet familiar or a new source of raw materials or a new market either to unexplored or a new combination of means of production or a new way of operation not yet applied.

Thus, entrepreneurship foresees the potentially profitable opportunity and tries to exploit it in a new and better way.

Wilken (1979) summaries a list of innovative activities entrepreneurship does. They are shown below:

Initial expansion- Original production of goods.

Subsequent expansion- Subsequent change in the number of goods produced.

Factor innovation- Increase in supply or productivity of factors.

Financial- Procurement of capital from a new source or on the new farm.

Labor- Procurement of labor from a new source or of a new typo; upgrading existing labor.

Material- Procurement of old material from a new source or use of a new material.

Production innovations- Changes in the production process.

Technological- Use of new production technique

Organizational- Change of form or structure of relationships among people.

Market innovations- Changes in the size or composition of the market a Product.

Production of new good or change in quality or cost of existing good.

Market- Discovery of a new marker.

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