Taseer, there are a number of mechanisms by which broiler chicks can develop established enterobiota populations, have a look at this report by Helen Houghton, in particular at §3.3 Poultry Disease and Research Centre (PDRC), where work by Pedroso AA et al., in Brazil, is nicely summarized.
You get the information from the following 1. Noy Y. and D, Sklan 1995. Poult. Sci. 74: 366-373 2. Sklan D. and Noy Y. 2003 Brit. Poult. Sci. 44: 266-274 and other publications of Uni, Noy, Sklan 1990, Poult. Sci. 78: 215-222.
The papers recommended by Kevin are good. There is a review by Apajalahti et al in the World's Poultry Science Journal 2004, vol 60, pp223-232, which is very good. I have attached it, if it will help.
Actually bacterial colonization starts before hatching, as the egg content is never sterile and embryo starts swallling albumen content by day 13-14 onwards.....I also agree with Kevin's recommended literature. Also, take a read at the article Daniel has sent, it's really a great job.