I was watching a presentation on jank today [1] and was wondering if other people take jank into account when judging the professional level of a website.

It would be interesting to get a high-traffic site which has a clear conversion rate (success if a button is clicked basically), apply ABX testing to inject different amounts of jank by rendering components either with CSS (one or more times) or simply by loading images, normalize across browser rendering times, and measure the difference in conversion rate.

Is it plausible to measure jank accurately across browsers and browser versions? Would it be feasible to only test a set of browser versions or would precluding browsers give a skewed perspective of the general public?

If anyone would be interested in doing this I may have time and work at a college which would likely be okay with me performing such experiments on high traffic areas.

[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAzhayTnhEI&list=PL56D792A831D0C362&index=18

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