Population growth may be limited if there are not enough resources as a byproduct of population density. Overconsumption of resources may negatively impact the environment.
A high population density can restrict population growth due to congestion, competition for resources and quality of life in general. This may lead to suburban squalor unless the metropolis plans well ahead with infrastructure, access and resources. In many instances like in the USA, there have been mass exodus from urban centers to surrounding suburbia thus actually decreasing population density and changing population demographics.
The growth of populations is held in check by several factors. These can include predators, food and other resources, and density. Population density affects growth rate by determining how likely is it that an organism will interact with a member of its own species compared to an organism of a different species. The pros of high population density include access to resources, cultural diversity, economic growth, increased demand for goods and services, and cost efficiency. The cons of high population density include limited resources, increased levels of pollution, social problems, and pressure on the natural environment. Population distribution denotes the spatial pattern due to dispersal of population, formation of agglomeration, linear spread etc. Population density is the ratio of people to physical space. It shows the relationship between a population and the size of the area in which it lives. Population growth: how the size of the population is changing over time. Because a population cannot grow indefinitely, it is expected that density will eventually check population growth (Malthus 1798). At the opposite, low levels of density have also been found to sometimes limit population growth. Because a population cannot grow indefinitely, it is expected that density will eventually check population growth. At the opposite, low levels of density have also been found to sometimes limit population growth. Population density in a country, related to labor demand and supply and identical to the availability of abundant labor. The availability of abundant labor will encourage increased output generated by the economy, in other words economic growth occurs. Population density can have a negative impact on our environment and natural resources. These pressures can lead to deforestation, result in overcrowding, and could lead to the destruction of our planet's delicate ecosystem. Growing populations use large amounts of nonrenewable resources like timber, coal, and oil. When a population reaches a high density, there are more individuals trying to use the same quantity of resources. This can lead to competition for food, water, shelter, mates, light, and other resources needed for survival and reproduction. These include pressure on land, land/soil degradation, forests, habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity, changing consumption pattern, rising demand for energy, air pollution, global warming and climate change and water scarcity and water pollution.