Ethics and moral values have always being an essential part of teaching and scientific research. How do you teach and evaluate these essential subjects in your daily interaction with students?
Much as leaders, teachers are in positions of power and their decisions impact others: therefore, it is imperative that their values should have strong ethical foundations and, above all, that these be aligned with external behaviors and actions that advance the common good in the student body. Seidman (2015) identified six key principles for ethical leadership:
Stop and Think
Extend Trust
Have Two-Way Conversations
Demonstrate Moral Authority
Shape the Context
Lead with Purpose
Seidman, D. (2015, March 16). Six key principles for ethical leadership. [Blog Post]. Retrieved from
Creo que esto se enseña con el ejemplo. Se evalúa en sus actitudes en el momento de realizar sus trabajos individuales o en grupo y/o cuando uno corrige sus entregas. Se tiene que cumplir, en lo posible, con lo programado y lo acordado porque uno dispone del tiempo para las actividades que tiene que realizar.
Ethics has much to do with reasoning about cases and issues. But it also involves questions of character and attitude. Reasoning can be modeled and tested by having students define problems and what is at issue in the problem, and then formulating a narrative to explain the options and choices, and then defending a choice in an open discussion. Role-play can evoke attitude and character better than the narrative can, especially if the student is debriefed about her behavior and gestures and choice of words. Some situations are unusual and no script will be canned for general use. They should occasion a student to formulate goals for what she says and wants to say. Some cases should have students introspect about the professional goals and the personal goals that are promoting what she says. Constructive small group debriefing and teacher debriefing should be part of it.
Ценности - основа развития общества, мощный фактор, передающий из поколения в поколение достижения исторического развития нации. Нравственность играет важную роль в системе ценностей каждого человека и общества. В социальной философии мораль понимается как форма общественного сознания, в которой выражаются моральные представления людей, социальных групп и общества в целом, нормы и суждения о человеческом поведении. Этика - это изучение человеческой деятельности, манер и этики. На протяжении веков этические нормы означали моральные ценности.