Basically, participants doing the study see a man and and make two ratings of him: 1) how attractive do you think he is; 2) how desirable as a romantic partner do you think he is? They do this for 4 different men(8 ratings from each participant).
Different information is provided about each of the 4 men (eg. his ex-partner said he was a bad partner).
They then come back later and re-rate each of the 4 men on: 1) how desirable as a romantic partner do you think he is? (an additional 4 ratings).
I am interested in the change in desirability ratings, but I want to control for the attractiveness of the men. I want 'attractiveness' to be a covariate, but I don't know how to do this is in SPSS. As each participant gives 4 responses (attractiiveness ratings for each of the 4 men) I'm not sure if I enter all 4 variables as covariates, or combine them into 1 somehow? Or maybe there's a better way of doing it?