These years Greenland faces great economic challenges pressuring the need to heighten sources of income. the Government of Greenland aspires to develop the natural resources area as the primary business sector in order to improve the country’s bleeding economy.

In order to foster sustainable development, including local adaptation and resilience in the communities, the Greenlandic authorities prescribe “a high degree of public participation”, prior, during after after the launch of a project, with the aim that “all relevant stakeholders” are informed about the activities and have their say in the decision-making process.

Yet, the PP process has been heavily criticised and remains a frequent subject of debate within the Greenlandic society. The NGOs and associations, industry and individuals in Greenland are far from satisfied with the current PP guideline and how PP is carried out in practice. Overall the criticism revolve around lack of actual and meaningful involvement public, questioning whether the public has any influence on the decision-making process at all.

Youth, in particular, is absent in the PP processes, not only physically, as they do not attend the public meetings, but also in the present formal guidelines of PP in Greenland. This is highly problematic as young Greenlanders may miss out on both gaining information about how mineral – and petroleum exploration activities may affect their lives, for instance in regards to potential education – and job opportunities, but also on having a say in regards to project development.

Thus I am seeking inspiration as to how to engage the young generation with emphasis on collaborative methods securing actual influence on the decision-making processes in relation to mineral and petroleum activities in Greenland. 

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