Dear researcher, your idea is worth it to me

Many researchers have reported the adverse effects of anti-nutrients on animal physiology. Many researchers also define it as having only a negative effect. Dr . Jacquie Jacob of the University of Kentucky defines anti-nutrients as substances that reduce the availability of one or more nutrients when contained in animal feed or water. According to (Huisman J. and Tolman GH, 200), anti-nutrient factors were classified based on the nutritional value of the feed and its effect on the biological response of animals. In recent years, there has been increasing research related to the benefits of some anti-nutrients when included in the diet, primarily as a natural alternative to the use of antibiotic growth promoters. Some of these phytochemicals have been shown to be harmful or clearly beneficial to human and animal health when consumed in modest amounts.

So my concern is why Researchers focused only on the negative side?????

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