I think Castalia is the best simulator to be used for designing Body Sensor Network (BSN) based on real applications. There is a simulation scenario to describe BSN for 6 nodes based on real testbed (a person with 6 sensors attached on his/her body). This scenario may help you to extend your scenario.
More details about the Castalia can be found in this link: https://castalia.forge.nicta.com.au/index.php/en/
If you want to simulate this scenario, you need to first install the OMNET++ and Castalia modules. After this, you will have this scenario (BANTest) which can easily be simulated and results can be seen after simulation using different parameters. Information about how to install Castalia and where to download it can be found in this link:
and you can download the last version of OMNET++ from this link:
Then follow these steps:
- Install omnet++
- Install Castalia
- Read the Castalia manual about how to simulate BANTest scenario
Have you done what was given in the previous email ? You need to follow given steps in order to simulate the given scenario. BANTest is a simple scenario using different parameters related to BAN using 6 sensors. So it does not have source code to be seen; it is an ini file to describe the required scenario. You must instal the Castali to see results.
Yes sir..I see this Scenario... but i want to change something in this scenario...and calculate the power consumption, latency, etc.... please help.....
I hardly recommend you to install Ubuntu instead of Windows as it is much easier and more suitable system for Castalia. I have not used Windows for Castalia so sorry I can not help.