Day after another, we receive many invitations to submit our research papers to one of the new journals. Do you think that it worth to publish there, or only focus on high impact journals?
If these 'new' journals are inviting you they're more likely predatory journals so I would suggest avoid at all costs! Look for quality, peer reviewed journals with decent impact factors in your discipline area and target them. Look at whether your work fits with the journal aims/scope and then try to join an ongoing conversation in that journal. This approach has worked for me. Good luck!
I think most of these invitations are from predatory journals and are not indexed in databases like Scopus and Clarivate. However, you can check them by visiting the websites of those databases.
"Only focus on high impact journals?" Of course! :) But I won't emphasis on the "impact" factor, beacuse several fake science priodicals have high impact. Shall we replace "high impact" with "high quality"?
1. Check the subject of the research paper and look at where the big guys in your field of research publish.
2. Pay close attention to the target audience for each journal as well as how it ranks in different categories. The same journal can have different rankings depending on the subject category.
For example, if you want to publish something about infrastructure development in Africa, you have the option of sending it to a number of different journals. African Affairs is the topmost journal on African issues and it is widely read by many policymakers, but it ranks very low in terms of construction management. On the other hand, Construction Management and Economics ranks very high in CM and is read by many construction professionals. It however comes nowhere near African Affairs in terms of research on Africa. So you will have to decide which of these you want to choose based on your target audience or the subject of the paper.
3. Google Scholar and Scimagojr regularly rank all the reputable research journals in virtually each category. With scimagojr you can even download an Excel worksheet of the journals and their metrics.
4. Target top journals only. The peer-review process will toughen you and enrich your research experience. The journals also help you to disseminate your research.
One can determine the quality of a particular journal by looking at it's Impact Factor and Citation Index. The higher the impact factor and citation index, the better quality the journal is.