I apologize for a mistake in the example of my previous reply that I beg you not to consider.
Both PDW and RDW (for RBC) have 2 different calculation mode (at least):
PDW (and RDW) CV (in %): 100x [CV/MPV (MCV)]. CV of cellular volumes is calculated from the respective histograms at the baseline
PDW (and RDW) SD (in fL): 100x [SD/MPV (MCV)]. SD of cellular volumes is calculated from the respective histograms at the level of 20% (the peak of the histogram is 100%).
So, missing the SD at 20% level, you can't calculate PDWin fL.
However, we must be aware that neither the MPV nor the PCT nor the PDW have any consolidated diagnostic relevance. All three measurements are dependent on the type of analyzer and are affected by pre-analytical situations such as anticoagulant and time spent in it.
There is no way to convert them into each other unless you have a platelet width graph vs an absolute platelet count (expressed in %) graph from which you can calculate the PDW which is the distribution curve of platelets (fL) measured in 20% relative height with a total curve height of 100%, so if we have fL conversion is not possible until we have such a graph... I am also suffering from the same issues unfortunately I didn't find a way around it.. if anyone has a formula please share...