At the age of 2-5, the understanding of boys lags far behind that of girls. How does K1~3 education understand and face such problems? Are there practical and theoretical research conclusions?
Hi Xin, Teaching students with very different abilities can be challenging. You might search for "individualizing learning" and "differentiating instruction" for practical teaching advice. Personally, I don't feel focusing on boys vs girls is very helpful. Most gender differences are small (Cohen's d ~ 0.2; Hyde, 2005; Zell et al., 2018), especially for abilities. Gender differences are largest for interest in people vs things (Cohen d=0.93; Su et al., 2009) so you might teach the same concepts with examples appealing to many different interests. Even with interests, the variance within genders is way greater than the difference between genders. - Maddie
The advice and information you provide is very important to me.
I also looked up the article: Gender differences in cognitive development school readiness (Dr Gráinne Kent&Vasiliki Pitsia,2018, Her team in Ireland tried to analyse the possibility of early intervention because of gender differences.
I will consult the research materials you have provided in order to correct my understanding. I'd also like to hear your opinion on the results of Dr. Gráinne Ken's work.Thank you for your guidance.