I have written a Sentinel-1 Level-0 IW mode image formation tool that is able to process each burst in an IW Level-0 file into a complex image chip. I am experimenting with different ways to use the data from sequential bursts in the same range/swath to increase the azimuth resolution. Although there are several papers referencing how this *might* be done, none seem to have actually achieved it. I have the distinct impression that proper joining of adjacent spatial tiles requires a better azimuth resampling scheme than I have seen documented, but I'm not entirely sure. I have not seen a good, strong discussion of the right processing spaces to walk through to join and resample the data.

Has anyone actually attempted to increase the azimuth resolution in a manner similar to this? Has anyone actually attempted this at all and not just put the potential as a footnote in their paper? I'd be more than happy to exchange ideas and compare algorithmic notes for mutual research benefit...

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