How could we evaluate the academic curriculum of a university department aiming to make it as up to date as possible in the case of a developing country?
Taking into account the curriculum is a contextualized document, built for an specific needs and institution; it is necessary to check the following issues:
- Has it fit the insitution goals and the students' needs to get success?
- Has it been contextualized appropiately?
- How has it worked til now?
You can add some more questions and design a Likert scale to get reliable information from the staff and students, of course.
In Brazil there is a platform called "Platform Lattes" .
HADDAD, E. A. ; MENA CHALCO, J. P. ; SIDONE, O. J. G. . Scholarly Collaboration in Regional Science in Developing Countries: The Case of the Brazilian REAL Network. International Regional Science Review, p. n/a-n/a, 2015.
MENA-CHALCO, JESÚS PASCUAL; JUNIOR, ROBERTO MARCONDES CESAR . scriptLattes: an open-source knowledge extraction system from the Lattes platform. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso), v. 15, p. 31-39, 2009.
To evaluate a curriculum, you need to have some questions on mind. You need to know whether your intention is to redefine, redesign and re-imagine or just make minor amendments.
All that has been said above is true. I can just tell you that it took me a whole year to assess a new curriculum, redefine curriculum objectives, re-write course syllabi, and do the related teacher training and then take care of the content of publicity drawing the attention to all the changes that took place.
While I feel strongly about the cultural aspects of knowledge and basis of a good solid liberal arts and professional education. One, today, may be rated upon how much money they make. If a person can find the right fit between career choice and economic survival or make a decent living, that would be a great accomplishment.