I want to use potential A for interaction W-W and, potential B for interaction W-Cu and Cu-Cu. Both of them are eam.alloy potentials. How could I make pair_style and pair_coeff for this in lammps? Thanks
If I'm not wrong, you want to use two eam potentials, and you want to know how to define the interatomic potential in the LAMMPS script. Here I have written two examples. The first example is used for the interatomic potential of copper and gold, and the second example is for water and copper. Hopefully, it will help you.
Example 1:
pair_style eam
pair_coeff *1 1*1 Cu_u3.eam #Cu-Cu
pair_coeff *2 2*2 Au_u3.eam #Au-Au
Example 2:
pair_style hybrid eam lj/cut/coul/long 10.0 10.0 lj/cut 12.0