I want to know how I can isolate this enzyme from bacteria. I tried to isolate it using methods written in many papers but obtained no result and I want to know what I should do.
The antimicrobial effect of local anesthetics has been known for more than 50 years, but it still seems to have an unclear mechanism of action. which bacteria? which concentration? etc etc. ....
27 February 2021 4,450 2 View
based on what I've studied on multiple papers, for peptide and protein identification Alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) is an appropriate matrix to use, I also know that the CHCA powder...
26 February 2021 6,799 3 View
Hello I'm currently working on a topic related to studying the anaerobic biodegradation of TPH in marine sediments. In this work, sediment should be mixed with fuel oil to a concentration of 20 g...
24 February 2021 9,839 3 View
Hello everyone, For part of my PhD project, I'm hoping to grow some lactobacillus species in the lab so that I can create standard curves for a qPCR quantification of a faecal sample. However, I...
24 February 2021 3,157 6 View
I will be performing RNA isolation with frozen lung biopsy samples and am in the market for a tissue homogenizer. I am wanting a homogenizer that will fit in a 1.5ml tube. I was looking at the...
24 February 2021 3,623 3 View
Hi, I'm looking for universal primers targeting a bacterial mRNA to quatify bacterial load by qPCR in a complexe mixture (eukaryote and prokaryote RNA). Ribosomal RNA being depleted, I absolutly...
22 February 2021 9,969 3 View
Hi, I have been struggling with a weird issue for my RNA samples. I used the Qiagen RNA plus mini kit. For some reason no matter how careful I am with the washes, when I measure the RNA, I get...
22 February 2021 1,286 6 View
I got a thin band and a thick band i guess it would be the genomic DNA and the 260/280 ratio is 3.
21 February 2021 6,523 6 View
When dealing with bacterial toxins, there are three varieties of microbes that develop in your petri dish: toxic, resistant, and susceptible. Initially, there are only toxic and vulnerable...
21 February 2021 6,084 5 View
I was trying to isolate fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) and follicular dendritic cells from mice spleen, but kept getting poor yield. I found from literature that the frequency of FDC is around...
17 February 2021 3,506 4 View