If you intended to calculate the concentration of the plant extract:
You can estimate the concentration of the plant extract by the following steps:
1. Bring a small flask or jar
2. weight of the jar or flask (assume that weight 100 g)
3. Take a specific size (10 ml)
4. Place it in the jar or the flask
5. evaporate the solvent completely
6. weight of the jar or flask (assume that the weight 100.1 g)
7. Dry extract weight =100.1-100 = 0.1 g
8. Concentration of plant extract = 0.1 g /10 ml = 100mg/ 10ml = 10mg /ml = 10000 µg / ml = 10000 ppm
You can then prepare the desired concentration from the following steps
The plant extract conc.=10000 µg/ml
V1C1(before dilution)=V2C2(after dilution)
V1= The size of the plant extract to prepare the desired concentration
C1= plant extract concentration (µg/ml)
V2= The size to be prepared (e.g. 100 ml)
C2= Concentration to be prepared (1000 µg/ml e.g.) (sock solution)
V1×10000= 1000×100
V1= 1000×100/10000= 10 ml
Take 10 ml of plant extract and supplement to 100 ml (required size) with appropriate solvent (distilled water, for example) in volumetric flask (100 ml).
For 500 µg/ml
We will prepare it from the stock solution (1000 µg/ml) and with volume=100
V1×1000= 500×100
V1= 500×100/1000= 50 ml
Take 50 ml of stock solution (1000 µg/ml) and supplement to 100 ml (required size) with appropriate solvent (distilled water, for example) in volumetric flask (100 ml).