The "race" may be a problem in some of the sequential circuits/applications or some of the dynamic logic gates. It can also be problem in combinational circuits, causing undesired glitches (short-time bit errors). The examples can be increased.
Therefore, it may be difficult to write a useful answer unless you mention some details about your specific case.
"Race" is, for sure, related with some data input(s) or clock signal rising/falling later/earlier than the other (hence, the term "race").
Depending on the specific circuit, the problem may have a different nature and consequences.
It can be simulated by creating some artificial delay between the signals which are in a "race", but this may not enough to spot, understand or characterize the problem.
I cannot help further, since I don't know details of your specific case.
The 'race" is caused by physical delay scattered all over a logic circuit.
The "race" in combinational logic circuits is called hazard.
There is an old publication attempting to model the delays in logic circuits.
I have not followed the issue, so I do not know about any newer works.
Here you should be aware that installation of additional delay elements to control the "race" adds to computation time.
Some type of hazards in combinational logic circuits can be "masked" out form appearing at the circuit output by appropriate configuration of the gates (the logic hazard).