Most oscillators are not matched to their loads on purpose. We do this in design in an attempt to keep the loaded Q as high as possible. (ie a shunt RLC network which has an unloaded Q of 5000 if this oscillator is conjugately matched to 50 ohms the loaded q will drop ~ 2 orders of magnitude and destroy your phase noise.
The simplest solution is to add an active buffer stage which is coupled to the oscillator very lightly (in this case, a series C which has a series impedance of ~2k would work nicely by maintaining the high Q of the oscillator yet providing high drive power.
That said, if you are asking how to match one impedance to another, please tell me your oscillation frequency range, approximate oscillator impedance (if it is a diode, then it is probably quite low), and the impedance you want to match it to and I will attempt to help you.