The education system has to be automated so that it can be customized to bring out the best from each one of us. It should also fail us to bring over the maturity from time to time. It should be both mental happiness and torture. But then there is no chance of success even if we try. It's not possible.
Of course. We are all human beings. Possibilities are infinite. This is my belief. Sometimes the burden is so much that we have to leave and run away but then we should be back with hope inside us. Death is not a solution.
Set modest goals to begin with for example in terms of progress in research as evidenced by number of publications or number of grad students, funding obtained via grant writing, etc. As goals are accomplished incrementally, then is the time to set the bar higher. Eventuality however you define "success" you will achieve it. It is not the question of probability but the aspects associated with persistence, patience and setting realistic goals.
First of all let me answer your second question:" With no security of success , still should we be passionate? "
As a member of faculty who has been working for many years with no security in success even with no guaranty for keeping my job and also never be sure about my tomorrow and later seconds , let me honestly say you one statement: Yes , if I love my teaching and searching career one day it would be counted even by others in different countries, please always keeping your passionate and hopes for your students and the most important person keep them for yourself as everything which is exist in your heart never be unrevealed ! maybe take time but know that it will be shine certainly !
Excellent answer dear Dr Parisa Ziarati ! You are always shine as the true love in your heart and all of your students include me as your old student never forget your pure and real love as our teacher and symbol of hardworking and honest Prof in the university even against of many obstacles !
The discussion by Rumani and Amina is thought-provoking indeed. In my perspective, passion for your profession (usually the one you like) is the only key factor, which keeps you going despite odds. If you fail a situation, it's the passion, which makes you repeat the same, anticipating success. The moment you lose the passion, you are bound to fare very poorly.
I believe more in what God can do with me than in what probabilities or my visible abilities can achieve. God can raise us beyond what we can hope for.
Passion and continuous upgradation is very important to be an effective teacher. It may help in delivering the session to meet the aspirations of students.
Ashok Pundir Carsten Weerth Carine Temegne Nono Alhuseen Omar Alsayed Navnit Kumar Ramamoorthy Thank you all for your valuable responses..especially
to Navnit Kumar Ramamoorthy sir for your kind acknowledgement.
My Dear RG colleagues Sepideh Nazeri &Sara Iranzad -you both are absolutely right in your observations about Parisa Ziarati ..I myself is influenced by her remarkable intelligence and generosity .Thanks dear Parisa maam,,
Hoping and wishing you all to keep our passions alive in the professional pursuits..
Stamina and persistence aren't always enough. There was a period in Canada when there just weren't enough academic positions available in various fields and university graduates had to seek other careers as a matter of necessity. In some humanities fields the situation was so dire (this was well before the internet) that many departments abandoned the longstanding practice of sending out letters of receipt of applications and rejection because the cost in secretarial time and postage was too high. One job I applied for received 400 applicants, so even making it onto a long shortlist was like a lottery (and I didn't win that one). Many academically highly talented people ended up elsewhere, often starting all over again with low-level or menial jobs in competition with recent high school graduates in order to reposition themselves.
Insisting and believing in our ability is the most important means of success as well as taking advantage of our mistakes and making it an incentive for success
Academics naturally want to appear to be experts, but being seen to be successful is often considered more important than being seen to learn from failure.
To remove the stigma of failure, we need to first acknowledge its existence rather than spinning or denying it. We must discuss it more openly in seminars, conferences and supervisory meetings.
Do what you love, love what you do; but: try to be independent and do not be lead by too high expectations. Cronyism and jackpot games do dominate, especially when economic conjuncture is slow and weak. Science (also academia) and life are deeply connected; in any case, wishing you good luck Amina Sultan
Please let mer claim that one nice strategy is "just do till you make it" ResearchGate is a nice-plaform to increase your visibility and get recommended for a position you are aiming at. BrightTALK is another platform that one can use for professional development:
I try to benefit from the synergy of ResearchGate, BrightTALK and LinkedIn. To support my line of argumentation I did look up the Internet for materials, please find them enclosed and below:
Kaitlin Woolley & Ayelet Fishbach (2017). " What Separates Goals We Achieve from Goals We Don’t" Harvard Business Review, April 26 2017, Available at:
I am sure you have chosen your profession based on your passion. Once you forget about the expectations of others and start living your life for self-satisfaction, living every moment for your passion, you will be successful eventually. It is true that every profession has its own challenges and demands, we must keep ourselves updated to keep pace with that. Humility is other important factor that is inherent in a good academician.
Mohammad Abdulhai Ahmed Saeed Mohmed Thank you my friends for your valuable feedback..I also agree with your remark Mohammad Abdulhai about Parisa ziarati ,As she is simply amazing..
Odd question. Since you are asking with respect to what might be brought about in the future, "eventuality" is predictive and therefore probabilistic. Your question presents us with a false dichotomy.
Instilling a growth mindset among students can make a quick and lasting difference, discovered the scientists.
A growth mindset will encourage students to grow in the academic life as well in their professional careers. The art of growing and perfecting their craft in specific endevour provides sustainable success in the longrun due to the fact that knowledge, experience, skills and expertise is constantly improved.
An interesting question. To make our success in science, as well as in other areas of our activity, be a possibility rather than probability, the key issue is proper, good planning of specific activities, thanks to which we will be able to effectively implement specific goals in the field of scientific research. it is important to consistently follow certain rules in the context of time management. Now (March 2020), when due to the development of the Koronavirus pandemic causing Covid-19 disease, many researchers, scientists and research and teaching staff working remotely at home, the issue of time management is particularly important.