Please let me know the process to extract information such as: oxidation states, oxygen vacancies, defects, coordination number, inter-atomic distance, bond angles, etc, from EXAFS and XANES characteristics. Thanks!
Hi Michael, there are several review articles which you can consult for this information. Some of the review articles from our group are which are also available at research gate are -
Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 79 No. 4, 2013, Spl. Issue, Part B, pp. 921-966
Review Journal of Chem istry, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 361– 398.
I would also recommend well known books on the topic, in particular
- Boon K. Teo, EXAFS: Basic Principles and Data Analysis, Springer 1986 (
- D. Koningsberger und R. Prins, EXAFS, SEXAFS, XANES: X‐Ray Absorption ‐ Principles, Applications, Techniques of EXAFS, SEXAFS and XANES. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester 1988 (
- The review by John Rehr & Albers in Rev. Mod. Phys. "Theoretical approaches to x-ray absorption fine structure" J. J. Rehr and R. C. Albers, Rev. Mod. Phys. 72 (2000) 621 (
- And it is always a good idea to check the conference proceedings of the bi- or tri-annual conference on X-ray absorption spectroscopy (check e.g.
Those proceedings will give you a bucket full of information on all kinds of different topics, questions and answers!