Based on the laminate theory [1] i am able to calculate the reduced stiffness matrix Q´ / C´ of each layer (formula 13.12). Now i will calculate the stiffness matrix based on this formula K=∭(B^T C B)dV [2]. Is it now possible to implement this in the stiffness-routines for shell elements e.g. from the FEA-freeware Z88?

Maybe does anyone know how to handle this context other ways? Main task is to implement a stiffness routine for composites in finite element software.

[1] Berthelot, J.-M.: Composite Materials, Mechanical Behaviour and Structural Analysis. Springer. New York. 1999

[2] Rieg, F.; Hackenschmidt, R.; Alber-Laukant, B.: Finite Elemente Analyse für Ingenieure. Hanser-Verlag. München. 2012

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