Some tillage marks (for example: Plough Marks) can be used to assess soil erosion rate. Is anybody know how tillage and plough effects can be used when there is no bedrock or boulders in the soil to be marked during tillage or plowing?
In our evaluation of soil erosion, we usually utilized erosion bars or mechanical structure indicator. The erosion bars can serve as the marker when there are no bedrock or boulders then for us to marked which usually a problem especially in a cultivated area. Somehow, that is the best method I can share.
Thank you for your answer. Yes, erosion bars can be used in cultivated lands without any bedrocks or boulders. But I want to know that is it possible to use tillage and plough effects to assess soil erosion where there is no bedrock and no boulders?
Assessing soil erosion on the basis of depth of plough layer is an excellent technique in the absence of other more sophisticated techniques. Lower the depth of A-horizon, more is the soil erosion. But then we need the actual depth of A-horizon in uneroded sites of similar climate and soil type.