30 August 2014 10 10K Report

The question came to my mind as I assist very often - as a non professional caretaker, the work that pays for my school - persons with severe depression and I witness their struggle with depression itself - as Dr. Kvist rightfuly observed - but also with the side effect of medicins, that is, above all, in some cases, impairment in the use of machinery and memory loss.

I study dentistry. As one may never know what can happen in life, I wondered how a dentist would better manage the treatment of such a disabling condition in order to still maintain the ability requested by this delicate profession and continue working not being a danger to the patients. If there are more 'merciful' drugs or alternative solutions. Of course, they would benefit anybody.

It may be difficult to have this discussion without more details, but I took the chance of asking, as it is important for me as perhaps for other professionals.

 I was also strongly impressed by the death of Robin Williams, maybe one of the reasons I asked the question in the first place.

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