ı want tor plot roc curve for blotch detection. I used ROD detector and ı found a mask image which shows blotch area with white point.

If there is blotch ,the pixel is 1 else 0. So ı compute true positif rate and false positif rate

%% true positive =if there is blotch and blotch detected

%% false positive=if no blotch and blotch detected

%% false negative= if there is blotch and blotch is not detected

%% true negative =if no blotch and blotch is not detected

Rod detector has thres threshold for red green and blue channels( T=[35,135,150];)

what should be the threshold in rank order detector detector for roc curve. I used t =[ 35 135 150; 40 140 155; 45 145 160;

50 150 165; 55 155 170; 60 160 175; 65 165 180

70 170 185; 75 175 190; 80 180 195; 85 185 200] and the result is this and ı think this result is wrong. So what should be the threshold in rank order detector detector for roc curve

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