When I use diluted seed oil with ethanol to react with DPPH in ethanol, I found that it couldn't dissolve it well and could see some precipitate that interferes with the measuring of absorbance. How can I solve this problem?
Sorry that I don't know too because my friend just tell me this problem. If he purify this seed oil before you think he can dissolve this with DPPH, right? And I will tell my friend to use DMSO absolutely. Thanks a lot for you suggestion.
My friend told that he don't use the methanol because it's quite toxic but many papers use this one. So right now, he use DMSO for your suggestion and found that when he dissolve see oil by DMSO, it will seperate from each other. He will try to dissolve ethanol, DMSO and seed oil together. I will tell you later in next post for the result. Thanks a lot.