First convert the docked complex to a PDB file. Link:
Then generate topology for the complex (both protein and ligand) as described here :
Thanks syed for your reply, i tried teh same way but on obtaining complex.pdb (for receptor+docked ligands' poses), then on converting pdb to .gro file , the system is saying that ligand entry not found in residue topology database.
You are encountering "ligand entry not found in residue topology database" fatal error because the force fields available in GROMACS do not recognize your ligand'XXX'_not_found_in_residue_topology_database . You need to generate topologies for ligands externally using servers such as ATB (used for GROMOS96 ff).
To achieve this, first you need to separate the coordinates of protein and ligand i.e, in a separate PDB file. Then generate the topology and .gro for the protein using PBD2GMX. For the ligand, you need an external server to generate the topology and .gro file. Finally, you need to merge the .gro files of both protein and ligand and edit the topology file as well.
The detailed description about the whole process is explained here: