We have synthesized a Hierarchical WO3 structure and tested its chemoresistive gas sensing properties to some Volatile organic compounds. The results showed excellent sensitivity and selectivity to acetone. Apart from "research based on LiNbO3 and some other materials has shown strong evidence that the dipole moment of a polar molecule may interact with the electric polarization of some ferroelectric domains on the surface" in L.Wang Ph.D dissertation page 69 linked at the end of this passage , I did not find an explanation for selectivity of the as-synthesized powder to acetone. Since only epsilon phase of WO3 benefits from ferroelectric properties and this phase of the material is only obtained at cryogenic temperatures, I wonder why our powder is at least 3 times more sensitive to acetone in comparison with other VOCs. Does it have ferroelectric properties? How can I realize that the powder is ferroelectric?