I am trying to solve the following integral equation:

P[b]=N\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} d \tilde{b} P[\tilde{b}] \exp(-(n\beta b^2)/2)\cosh^n(\beta(b+\tilde{b})),

where N is a normalisation constant and \beta, n are real positive numbers. For n=1  this equation has a solution  given by N\exp(-(\beta b^2)/2)\cosh(\beta b). Also when  n is a positive integer then it is easy to solve this equation numerically: in this case we can use Binomial theorem to write  cosh^n(x) as a sum and the problem becomes finite dimensional. I would like also to solve the above equation for non-integer n. I don't have much experience with integral equations and would appreciate any advise on how to solve this equation numerically or analytically.  

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