11 November 2016 8 7K Report

So the command I want execute is in this short little document:


being $ gmx mdrun -s input.tpr -rerun configuration.pdb

The issue is that while I able to use a special forcefield, create a topology file, and a .gro file with $gmx pdb2gmx ... -water none", I am not able to create the .tpr file.

I had high hopes that by using grompp with this .mdp file, I could create the .tpr file, and then do an mdrun. But I'm getting a lot of errors which I don't understand with respect to Verlet Lists and incompatibility with the latest version of Gromacs 5.1.3.


It would be easy if I was doing a solvation. But I need to do this vacuum, and I'm surprised why that's so difficult. Is it possible to create a .tpr file without an .mdp file? My superior would like me to figure out a sequence of commands that works and then we can loop through several files, and do some energy statistics.

Please. Would someone please help me?

Thank you.

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