If we use the lenses array for the imaging, the small images the more distant from the center are more suffer from the coma aberration. How I can reduce this effect? Thank you in advance!
Coma is an effect caused from the skew angle of incidence of the light bundle.
In principle can be reduced using aspheric lenses but if you have a lenslet array this is not feasible. So the better you can do ids to have a ray bundle as paraxial as possible.
I reduced almost to zero the coma in my setup (of just big lenses) using a lens relay and changing the position and angle relative each other lenses using a Twymann-green Interferometer as reference.
Generaly plano convex lenses have minimum coma effect, therefore the easiest way is choosing this kind of lens. But if you want to make it more accurate, you should use Seidel aberration parameters and try to find the best radii of lenses and possible lens thickness.