Hello scholars,

Recently, I have been working on AOR. I have obtained interesting results, however, the result is a bit disturbing as it comes with noise in the curve. Below is a picture of such. I have read up some of the suggestions presented to similar circumstances in RDE measurement for ORR. I have not been able to overcome the challenge. For my circumstance, am working using Pt wire/coil as counter, Ag/AgCl as reference and GC as working electrode in 1M NaOH.


1. No leakage in RE as I have checked a couple of times and I have about 3 of these REs at my disposal, so I can interchange and check if there is any leakage (issues) with either of them. The aligator clips look good and have also interchanged with spare.

2. No mechanical vibration / interference as the lab is set up in the basement of the building and the experimental setup is on a standardized experimental bench. In addition, am not working on a hanging electrode.

3. From the picture, I have worked between -0.7eV and 0.6eV. However, I do work also in the range of 0eV and 1.4eV

4. The experimental solution has been prepared hours prior to the the measurement, and given enough time to acclimatize to the room temperature. As regard to the GC electrodes, I follow the standard rules. Polishing via the "8" pattern using 0.05um polishing alumina once in 5 days on the polish and DIW for rinsing.

Do you have any other suggestion?

Thank you

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