I downloaded some programs like sac2mat, sacsun2mat and others, but I can not read .sac files in matlab. I am attaching an example of my .sac files. Can anyone help?
As you could see in the header I follow some interesting procedures including GATECH, I have an email response that maybe my files .sac are not in the sac format.
You can use "fopen" with "l" option for "little endian" data or "b" option for "big endian" data. Afterwards, you read 70 float number with "fread" command, 40 integer, and 23 *char (the 2° is 16 bit, others are 8 bit). Finally you read the waveforms with "fread(fid,inf,'float32')".
Rename your data file like 1.SAC, 2.SAC..etc.. Lets u say u hv 10 data set ..so rename last data file as 10.SAC.. to run 10 data simultaneously use the following script