Not sure if there is anything unique about ABA that would preclude this, but this is how my lab does chemical treatments in media:
Prepare a stock of 1/2 MS(A?) media per usual. I often prepare the media in advance (with a stir bar), let it solidify in a glass bottle, and re-heat it via microwave to melt it when needed. You can also make it fresh the day of. Let media cool and keep it stirring.
Thaw the 1000uM (aka 1mM) ABA stock.
When media has cooled to below 55°C (but still warm enough to stay liquid), pour the media into a 50 mL Falcon/conical tube, add the corresponding amount of ABA, cap and invert gently to mix, and pour into media plates. (I like to immediately swirl the plates to push any air bubbles to the edges).
Leave lid ajar and let solidify per usual.
Sow seeds per usual.
For the 100x100mm square plates that my lab uses, 50 mL of media makes two plates. So for a 1uM ABA condition, I would add 50uL of the ABA stock to 50 mL (using C1V1=C2V2 formula) of media and pour two plates. If you are making lots of plates, your could consider mixing the ABA into a bigger volume of media in a bottle, but this is how we make relatively few plates.