There are several model equations reported in literature. I have got the experimental values of moisture ratio and drying time. How can I fit the experimental data to the following equations? How can I obtain various model constants? Any software to be used or it has to be done mathematically? Please guide me with some good literature/links/software to carry out this study.

How can we use regression analysis for find out constant using these models. Can we solve it by non-linier regression with excel solver? Different models are following:

Lewis MR = exp(kt)

2 Page MR = exp(ktn)

3Modified Page MR = exp[(kt)n]

4 Henderson and pabis MR = aexp(kt)

5 Yagcioglu et al. MR = aexp(kt) + c

6 Two-term MR = aexp(k0t) + bexp(k1t)

7 Two-term exponential MR = aexp(kt) + (1a)exp(kat)

8 Wang and Singh MR = 1 + at + bt2

9 Thomson t = a.ln(MR) + b[ln(MR)]2

10 Diffusion approach MR = aexp(kt) + (1a)exp(kbt)

11 Verma et al. MR = aexp(kt) + (1a)exp(gt)

12 Modified Henderson and pabis MR = aexp(kt) + bexp(gt) + c exp(ht)

13Simplified Ficks diffusion (SFFD) equation MR = aexp[c(t/L2)]

14 Modified Page equation-II MR = exp[k(t/L2)n]

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