Can you please describe what you want to do in more detail ?. Circuit diagram or anything like that ?.
Why do you not want to use a sensor element ?. I mean, in order to measure the reverse recovery current, you need some reactance (a resistor, a capacitor, an inductor) that is influenced by the current in order to make measurements over this element, and infer the current from that measurement.
Could you please post a schematic diagram, and indicate to what extend it is possible to add resistance or inductances or capacitors with the goal of measuring the reverse recovery current.
i want to measure reverse recovery current of IGBT freewheeling diode in real time to analyse the gate charge variation of diode (Qrr), usually people will use double pulse method to analyse the reverse recovery current but in real time circuit we can't adopt this technique. is there any other method to analyse the reverse recovery current in real time operating condtions
Just put a current transformer on the diode current.
You need to watch out the transformer does not saturate, so I guess you will have to use an air-gapped toroidal core, or a core with limited permeability.