In my ongoing experiment I will need to demonstrate that the videos displayed to participants inside the lab room were "same" in terms of brightness as the outrdoor viewing of the content that is in these videos.

The luminosity [LUX] measured inside is roughly 10 times lower than outdoors, but it looks like the " perceived brightness of any light returned to the eye is a manifestation of its most likely provenance, rather than its photometric value relative to the luminances of other elements in the scene " It makes sense to me, because eyes are adjusting to the change of brightness when we get indoors etc..

So instead the light-meter I would like to use some existing scale or procedure to determine that the scene is perceived by participant in the same way on the video and in the real setting.

Would you be able to share which scale or technique I could use? (I though about letting the participant choose on a mobile device the color that matches one chosen color from the scene, but maybe there is some existing literature about it?)

Thanks a lot for any suggestions!

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