I have different libraries with completely different targets for each one and also size of targets is variable, I need to pool them all in a single NGS run based on Ion torrent technology
Following is the link for the DNA barcoding system with which you can pool several samples. http://www.biooscientific.com/next-gen-sequencing/ion-pgm-adapters-for-dna-seq/nextflex-dna-barcodes
The size of target is not the first thing to consider, the read length output is 400bp for Ion torrent systems, so the max read length you can get will be 400bp. So the length of your target does not matter much.
Different type of target might effect the sequencing efficiency but principally it does not matter what you sequence.
Abhijeet Singh thanks for your answer, but may be i wasn't clear enough to describe my question. I'm asking about the pooling step itself, as i have several barcoded libraries related to different applications.
Each application requires different amount of data (reads/bases) finally in order to be analysed with optimum depth of coverage, so pooling step should represent this variation after normalizing all the libraries to the same concentration.