I'm going to research about apoptosis in nervous system to see if exercises can effect AIF & PARP-1 . If you have any experiences about it please help me. How can I improve my research?
There are many tips which can be followed to improve the research skills in a practical way. After reading one or more of the following you will be able to apply these research tips in your own research methodology.
Mendeley. Your research, anywhere. Retrieved 02/07/2016 from Mendeley.com: https://www.mendeley.com/
University of Arizona Libraries. Improve your research skills. Retrieved 02/07/2016 from Arizona.edu: http://new.library.arizona.edu/research/tutorials
3. University of Illinois. Develop research skills.. Retrieved 02/07/2016 from Illinois.edu: http://www.library.illinois.edu/learn/research/skills.html
4. Zotero. Develop research skills.. Retrieved 02/07/2016 from Zotero.org: https://www.zotero.org/