I am using the import manager in ERDAS 16.0 to import Landsat Level 1 Tier 1 collection scenes
Due to the new naming convention in Landsat, I had to replace the Landsat Product ID using the Landsat Scene ID for each image and by so doing I was able to import ( using the Import Manager) my scenes of choice.
Unfortunately, I am not able to import scences with suffix SG100 using the ERDAS IMAGINE Import manager, . The import works when the scene ID ending with suffix ASN00
LANDSAT_SCENE_ID = "LE71880542016364ASN00"
LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID = "LE07_L1TP_188054_20161229_20170219_01_T1"
LANDSAT_SCENE_ID = "LE71880542017014SG100"
LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID = "LE07_L1TP_188054_20170114_20170209_01_T1"
Please any clues on what to do or circumvent this?