I found fewer mollusc species from my sampling stations, which i assume as unique or not recorded in past or case of wrong identification, than how to know about it's distribution or presence in the world coastline?
You have to identify the species and use publications, inclusive historical ones, for the distribution records of this species. The better way you consult with specialists if the record is new or seemingly new.
You have to take care with synonymy (same species might be mentioned under various names).
First, determine which species you're interested in. Second, find out which countries they occur in. Third, search for papers, such as the one above, which will tell you about their distributions. You can also do your own field work using transect-quadrats, dredges, and direct searches. The latter technique is preferable because it shows the actual numbers.
You have to identify the species and use publications, inclusive historical ones, for the distribution records of this species. The better way you consult with specialists if the record is new or seemingly new.
You have to take care with synonymy (same species might be mentioned under various names).