Dear Dr. Ahmad Hassanat, The first point is its an error and may occur. The second point, the corresponding author may approach to the chief editor of the journal for notifying "errata'. The third point is corresponding author's contact is provided and readers may approach to you.
First of all you must check significance of the error. If the error is so significant that it can change the results and conclusion of your paper then you should write an errata to the same journal.
Secondly, Typos are not as much important to correct as long as errors do not change the entire concept.
Thirdly, I do not consider it suitable to refer the error in your new manuscript because this will generate the doubt about the current manuscript and lastly do not worry about minor errors, because readers can access corresponding author via email.
I think the corrosponding author will handle the situation. First of all if you tell the editor about the mistake this will create a bad impression of you. The editor might add a note to the online version. But for me I think let the mistakes be there if it's minor and if anyone finds any mistake they will first contact the corrosponding author and if they got get any positive response from the corrosponding author then they will contact the editor but it rarely happens because corrosponding author can manage this situation. Last but not the least mistake does happens it's common try to learn from them and avoid them in the future. Thankyou.