Hi everyone,

I ran a VBM analysis between unpaired groups and got 4 significant clusters.

  • I used the Cluster command to get the significant clusters on a text file to visualize their p-values, coordinates, etc.
  • Cluster –i tfce_corrp_tstat1 –t 0.95 -o cluster_size osize=cluster_size > results.txt

  • Then I used fslmaths to extract a particular cluster (remove just 1 out of 4 from the tfce_corrp_tstat1) and binarized it as a mask.
  • fslmaths –dt int cluster_size -thr -uthr -bin

    Where –thr and -uthr is the minimum-maximum (threshold) value from the index_cluster column at the results.txt where every significant cluster is displayed (1-4). In my case the -thr and -uthr values were the same (1), because only cluster 1 was of my interest.

    I checked the mask and everything went ok at this point (1 cluster = 1 mask).

  • I finally used fslmeants to calculate volumes for that cluster on each individual. The problem, I think, is that I’ve calculated the mean values of voxels' intensity in that cluster, not the total volume of it.
  • fslmeants –i –m > results_cluster.txt

    I would like to calculate the total volume of that particular cluster (voxels, mm3) for every subject (n=56) to do correlations/regressions with other behavioral/cognitive variables in SPSS. I think my problem is in Step 3, do someone know a better way to calculate volumes on a particular cluster?

    I also performed a manual extraction for the data using kernel spheres but I’m not happy with the results/method because even if I merge several spheres to create a mask to cover all the cluster I still got some voxels out of it (and viceversa).


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