I'm facing problem of letters extraction. The image is grayscale. The letters are in a row. Background of the image is not homogenous, there can be some texture with some non-white intensity. The letters are black. And of course, the letters are sometimes so similar with the background so they cannot be separated easily. The problem is also similar to car plate letters extraction. But in these case, we can expect "damaged plate with damaged letters". Unfortunately, the particular images are subject of secret project, so I cannot include there an example.

I used several types of thresholds including adaptive ones, histograms-based methods and some segmentation-based method. But no one of them works generally good. 

The goal of my task is to extract letters, i.e., detect rectangular area of each of them, or to exclude them from backgroud.

There are two criterias: success rate (I need almost 100 % success rate of extraction) and processing speed (as fast as possible, several ms ideally).

 Thank you for your advices, or links to some useful papers.

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