19 January 2016 2 531 Report

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to do the heat balance in my microwave heating system. 

The system consist of Zeolite Y fixed-bed (L:8mm,200mg) in a quartz tube (Din:7mm,Dout:9mm ),  which is introduced inside the TE10 mode waveguide cavity vertically. N2 is flowing through the bed (up->down). The experimental data has been obtained after drying the zeolite sample. We have fixed-bed temperature (Ts), quartz wall temperature (Tw) and outlet N2 gas temperature.

So, is this correlation correct or not?

𝑄𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠.𝑑𝑡 −ℎ𝑔.𝐴𝑠.∆𝑇𝑠𝑔.𝑑𝑡=𝑚𝑠.𝐶𝑝𝑠.𝑑𝑇𝑠 

(i) Heat dissipated in the adsorbent bed due to MWs (ii) Heat exchanged between the adsorbent (s) and the inert gas (g) flowing through the bed -sg (iii) Heat accumulated by the adsorbent bed.

I am quite confused about the calculation using my experimental data due to the unsteady state condition. 

I would appreciate if someone could help me.

Powerpoint slide has been also attached to clarify.

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